Saturday, August 31, 2013

Obama Stop Ignoring the People

This is going to brief because I am tired and I want to go to bed.

Obama and his fellow colleagues are once again making a decision to ignore the American people and go for intervention into Syria.

He claims that it is not going to be like the Iraq War, but I highly doubt that and we will be there for a long time.  I really do think the U.S. needs to take military option off of the table.  Furthermore, a majority of Americans do not want this like the Affordable Health Care Act.  We were warned about presidents becoming tyrannical and Obama is becoming more like that every day.  Issuing executive orders with a high disregard for the people and passing laws that Americans see as unfavorable.

Obama do what you want, but know in the future you will become known as one of the worst Presidents in history if you keep doing what you are doing.

Stop ignoring the people. This election you should have realized that you need to listen to the people and you almost lost this election.

Monday, August 26, 2013

No Military Invasion of Syria

Everyone knows that Obama is now adding military option against Syria if the conflict does not resolve or President Assad does not step down.  

President Obama is not thinking about this and he is acting very similar to President Bush.  Many of you will think that this is not similar to President Bush invading Iraq, but it is. 

I do not think that we have the right to intervene into the Civil War of another nation.  Anyways, if we help these rebels (militarily( who is to say they will not turn on us once like many of Shiite Muslims in Iraq.  However, not all of them have turned on us, but definitely the radical side of them that has a similar outlook to the rulers of Iran.  President Obama and Democrats in the end did not support the invasion of Iraq and criticize Bush for the war.  However, they all think that it is okay to invade Syria.

The situation in Syria is worse then the one in Iraq in 2003.  The reasons why:
  1. It is a Civil War between a group of people (rebels) and the government.  The rebels are tired of the government they view as tyrannical.  They say they want more rights, but who knows it could be like Egypt in the future where it actually gets more strict, but under Sunni rule.
  2. Yes, the conflict may be causing mass amounts of refugees, but in what war has there been no refugees?  Yes, countries like Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, and other countries are having problems with refugees, but that is nothing new when it comes to war.  Those people are the ones that deserve to have food and aid.  On the other hand, the rebels are violent and once again we do not know if they will turn on us once they have won the war.
  3. Russia and China have valuable reasons for other countries not to invade into the Syrian conflict and they could pose big problems to the U.S. if we decide to invade.  Furthermore, Russian troops (minimal) are already on ground in Syria, helping President Assad gain control over Syria again. If we invade to help the rebels we will be fighting a proxy war with the Russian military.  That will make relations with the Russians even worse.  I guess we could use Syria as a means of getting back in China for causing that conflict with Japan, but still not wise to invade.
Once again are dear President and Congress is going to refuse to listen to the American people.  He refused to listen on the Healthcare Bill and now he is not going to listen to the American people again.  We should stay out of it all together and not make the decision to join a side.  Right now no one knows who is the lesser of two evils. In the end, it looks like Obama wants to support rebels who eat soldiers hearts to send a message.  

Friday, August 16, 2013

Personal Prison

I believe that it is safe to assume that we all have a personal prison.  Think about the place that is a personal prison to you.  My personal prison is home.  it is my prison because people try to make me feel like I am obligated to take care of them. They get mad if I do not put them before my personal needs.  If I work during a time they need to go to work I get hell for it.  I get so sick and tired of it, but there is nothing I can do to get away at the moment.  

At one point in my life I lived in New York and it was one of the best moments in my life because I did not have to be obligated to anyone, it was all about me.  Also people remembered me by my name and not as someones sister or friend.  It was an amazing time.

However, I should have stayed, but I left after one year. That is where I went back to my prison cell. Once again, I was known as someones sister or someones friend.  Once again, I am the little piece of shit that no one cares about and there are times when I think that if I was gone would they care about me?  

Here in Arizona I am a nobody.  That is okay because one day I will leave this state and drop those that found me as insignificant.

Forever 21

Alright so everyone is making a big deal about Forever 21. You know what people do have the right to be mad.  However, I am surprised that people are barely seeing that Forever 21 is not a good company.  They are the worst company for employment.  They do not give their employees decent hours nor do they see them as beneficial to the company.  Furthermore, Forever 21 is able to sell their clothing so cheap because they pay their employees crap.  I had a co-worker that used to work there and she hated it.  She saw many people quit that place in less than six months and she herself only lasted there eight months before she got another job.  

I have never shopped at Forever 21 and I will never shop there.  If they cannot treat their employees right then they do not deserve my money.  I know that I am one insignificant human being not paying into that store, but I will stand up against them.