Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Most Tyrannical Government Elected

I really hope Americans are beginning to wake up!!!!  I feel like yelling at the American population to wake up and realize that this government does not have our best interests at heart.  

First they passed that stupid Healthcare act in which over 50 percent of the population opposed.  Then Obama goes on a rampage with executive orders.  Thankfully, those expire when he leaves office.  In addition, he was really hoping to send over patriot drones over Syria and other lethal weapons to subdue the government. In which, the people do not want at all.  Finally, stupid John Kerry goes on and signs the UN Arms Treaty in which the Senate will revoke. I know that the Senate will revoke this treaty because even Democrats do not want other international representatives dictating the U.S.  Furthermore, they will lose their Senate seats if they support the treaty.  Some had to learn the hard way during the mid-term elections in 2010 when they supported the Healthcare Reform Act.  

Obama and his administration clearly have forgotten that they do not have the support of the people from when they entered into office in 2008.  John Kerry is really overstepping and so is Obama.  When are the people going to realize that this government is extremely tyrannical? 

Yes there are those that are going to ask themselves well what about former President Bush like with the Patriot Act.  Well Obama and Congress favored continuance of that law. So think about who has got the interests of the American people at heart.  One thing I know for sure it is not the federal government. 

Why People Move to Arizona

My dear Arizonans and the rest of the nation, we now know why we are the state people move to.  The article I posted above exactly explains why so many move to Arizona and other freedom loving states. 

I work in retail and when I am ringing up customers I usually will ask them where they came from because I can tell when someone is not a native or long-time inhabitant.  The usual answers I get are California, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois.  Well, I am assuming besides the mild winters that freedom is another way to describe the move to Arizona.  

Here in Arizona we have relatively low everything: income tax, gas prices, state taxes, etc.  The only two things that are high is the sales tax and the temperature.  So I can understand why people move here. Furthermore, we are business friendly, gun friendly, and personal freedom friendly.  Pretty much we are a good state to be in unless you are an illegal immigrant or you get caught with a D.U.I.  

The point is that people get tired of the government trying to tell them what to do and how to do things.  So they will eventually move to those states that have less regulations regarding their behavior and what not.  Arizona is one of the states that does have a growing population and a growing business population.  

Furthermore, people love to retire here because of the beautiful weather.  The only downside to people moving here is their slow driving.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Most Tryannical Institution is Public Schools

7th grader suspended:

High Schooler suspended:

So in the past week two public schools have suspended children for weapons violations.

The first to be suspended was a teenager who was being responsible and turning in his knife that he forgot was in his pocket.  Despite him being responsible he still got a ten-day suspension. I hope that him and his attorney win the case against the school because he was being responsible by turning in his knife.  He should have been allowed to watch the game and get his knife returned to him at the end of the game.  Yes, I understand the school has absolutely a no weapons policy.  

However, I guess public schools are trying to teach children that even if you are responsible you will still be punished.  There is no such thing as praising those that do right anymore.

The second situation is two seventh graders were suspended for playing with an air-soft gun on private property.  Granted they were waiting for the bus, but they decided to play on one of their front-yards with the guns while waiting for the bus.  The school said they were waiting for the bus and they become the property of the school when they begin to wait for the bus.  However, that is not true because they were waiting for the school bus on private property.  They have the right to play with the air-soft guns.  

All in all, these schools have gained way too much power. They already try to control the minds of the children and attempt to disable the parents from being the actual authority.  I think that we need to give them less power.  They have no right to suspend a student for trying to do the right thing and they have no right to suspend students for playing on private property with air-soft guns.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Starbucks CEO = Stupid

Hello all, so today I am going to blog about the CEO of Starbucks acting like an arrogant little jerk.  Let me sum up the article on FOX news about this little CEO.  Schultz the CEO, has written a letter to gun owners telling them that guns are unwelcome, but they are not going to ban the guns in the store.  Furthermore, he told them that he does not want a mass shooting taking place in his stores so that is why he claims they are unwelcome.

Well, I think that he is blaming the wrong people because rarely has the accused in massive shootings has had the privilege of owning a gun because they were seen as not fit to carry a gun.  Like the township shooter, the Tucson shooter, and various others.  Why do people feel the need to punish legal gun owners. They are not the problem, the problem is those that come across gun illegally and obtain them to do harm.  Your drug traffickers, gang members and leaders, and those that are mentally unstable.  

In the end, IF PEOPLE WANT TO HARM OTHERS THEY WILL FIND ANY NECESSARY MEANS!!!  Guns are not the only weapon of choice if it was then it would be the only weapon of use.  It may be the majority used weapon, but that is because it is less personal and less messy.  We should be happy that mass shootings is a rare thing and that we do not have car bombs.  This world is never going to be perfect, so stop thinking it is if we get rid of gun rights.  Who is going to fight the government when the government becomes tyrannical?  Gun owners will.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Only Difference Between Michael Bloomberg and Bill De Blasio is the Party Title

Mayor Bloomberg is a tyrant and he thinks that he should be a parent figure rather then a Mayor. Telling people what they can eat and drink.  Also telling people how they should get to work because he thinks it is his job.  However, who is to say Bill de Blasio is not going to be the same way. What I am trying to say is that the policies that Mayor Bloomberg was trying to pay are extremely liberal. I hope that this De Blasio character is going to be less socialist then the lovely Bloomberg.  Yes Bloomberg used to a be a Republican, but from his policies he leans towards Socialist Democrat.  He may be even farther left then that, but in time history will tell.  I just hope that this De Blasio character does not turn into a tyrannical prick like Bloomberg. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Colorado Democrats Ousted

I am happy to read the news today because I just learned that two Colorado lawmakers were voted out of office through a special recall election.  The reason they were ousted is because they supported stricter gun-laws that would limit law-abiding gun holders and limit the sales and amounts of ammunition.  This is known as Bloomberg Gun Control Law, similar to his law in New York City.

Anyways, another thing to be happy about is that Bloomberg could not influence the recall election enough so they could stay in office. In which, that is a relief because no one wants a New York City law man controlling other states lawmakers or the legislation that goes through.

I do not know when Bloomberg is ever going to learn his lesson. The lesson is ; First, no one care about what you have to say because are in New York. Second, you have no right to attempt to influence legislation or lawmakers in another state.  Third, more people are going to hate you because you are acting like an arrogant prick.  

Bloomberg please focus on your own city and stop trying to control the lives of millions.  It will backlash!