Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Businesses do not create jobs?

Hello all,  the topic for today is the Jeb Bush and Hilary Clinton fiasco.  During a speech Clinton had told people that business does not create jobs.  However, businesses are the ones who create jobs and so does government.  Jeb Bush had pointed out that there are not enough jobs being created.  This can apply to government and businesses, but private business are the ones who hire the most people out of any sector.  They are the ones who need the workers, but jobs are not being created because the economy is still a bit rocky.  In addition, people are being more careful about their money because they do not want to suffer like they did in 2008 and in 2001.  Therefore, people are spending less so businesses do not need to hire as many people. 

The government needs to provide an incentive for businesses to bring business back into the states to create jobs.  Businesses have to think about cost-effectiveness or prices are going to increase if they are not cost-effective.  If it was cost-effective for businesses to bring their factories back to America then they would hire more people, but until then they will keep it in other countries for cheaper labor.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Everyone Needs to Calm Down about Ebola

Seriously people really need to calm it down with Ebola.  Especially, those who live in the United States, we generally do not get in contact with other people's fluids.  

Furthermore, those who are in contact with fluids need to protect themselves from becoming sick.  There are three cases one in Madrid and there were two in the United States. 

Everyone has to find some new thing to worry about. 

For those health care workers who were in the countries that have Ebola should be quarantined when return so as to not infect other health care workers who are treating them.

I feel bad for those who are infected, but at the same time people have to think logically about the situation. The media is not helping because they always have to be the most dramatic, they are going to keep talking about Ebola because they like to scare the people and make it seem worse then it is which it largely contained to one area of the world. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

China Believes that Protestors are Influenced by Britain and United States

Hello, it has been awhile since I have posted. I have found an interesting article regarding the protesting in China.

As some of you may know China has been experience protesting in regards to democracy.  The people want democracy rather then communism.  I do not think that America and Britain is behind the protesting.  I think that the people are tired of being controlled by a government who restricts expression and speech that does not align with the values of communism. 

The Communist party controls the media and controls the internet.  The people have no ability to express their concerns to the government through speech or through the media. They are tired of being oppressed therefore they have resulted to protesting.  

Protesting is their only means to get the message heard and it expands media coverage worldwide. It is difficult to supress or imprison a large group of people who have gained the attention of the world.  Therefore this protects them from obtaining the maximum harm that a government could do like massive killing or massive imprisonment.  They could do all those things if it was a smaller group who could not influence media attention like they have done before. 

All in all, just because these people are protesting the government does not mean that countries are funding them.  They want more freedom.  

Friday, August 8, 2014

Airstrikes in Iraq

        Obama has authorized airstrikes against Islamic Militants to protect Americans and help the Kurds.  I am not surprised that the extreme Sunnis were back at it again fighting with Shiites and the Kurds.  The militant Sunnis have a problem with being put out of power even though they were the minority religious group and they have always had a problem with Christians and the Kurds.  Although Saddam Hussein did protect the Christians from harm (most of them), but he still had a lot of fun targeting Shiites and the Kurds.
    I understand that a majority of Americans wanted us to withdraw out of Iraq and it happened in 2011. However, there was a belief that Iraq could become the new Vietnam.  American troops left Vietnam in 1973 because it was not favorable for the people.  After we leave North Vietnam attacks South Vietnam,  South Vietnam is forced to surrender, uniting the country again except under Communism.
     Iraq is not a country divided like Vietnam.  No it is much worse where extremists will stop at nothing to push their beliefs onto others until they have control.  This would not have happened if Americans had stayed a little longer and had diplomats working with the different factions and groups in Iraq to have a working relationship.  However, we were not given enough time because Obama was facing re-election and he wanted to look good for the people so he had the troops leave.  I understand that the Iraqis wanted us to leave but the original agreement was actually for 2014 for full withdrawal, but he wanted to look good for the election.

Jaish al-Adl fighters in Iranian Balochistan. Photo: Image by Rudaw
     All in all, we should not have left so abruptly.  Furthermore, if Americans had been paying attention you would have seen that the Sunni Extremists were building in power. They had took over the government of some cities and forced the people in those cities to follow extremists laws when it comes to morality and strict Islamic code.  The extremists slowly started gaining, however after full troop withdrawal in 2011 they were able to gain massive power and weapons for exactly what they are doing right now.  
     Americans and Europe blamed former President Jalal Talabani and current Prime Minister Nour al-Maliki for the reason the extremists are attacking the people because they say he did not work hard enough to establish peace with the Sunnis. However, the extremists do not speak for a majority of the Sunnis.  Yes he is to blame for some of the problem, but so is the United States and the United Nations.
In conclusion, everyone is to blame President Obama, former President Talabani, Prime Minister Nour al-Maliki, and United Nations because they did not do more to eliminate the extremists.  The extremists do not speak for the majority of the Sunnis. The extremists want power to force people to submit to their belief system.  Now the solution is to eliminate the leaders of ISIS because there is no way that peace is going to work at this point.  Point in case: extremists from any group that are attacking innocent people should be killed and shown no mercy.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

CNN and FOX Bias

This is going to be a short post to tell you that you should read articles by news agencies very carefully because one little sentence will indicate bias.  For instance, in the article "World Events Derail Obama's Agenda" by Cassie Spodak from CNN she states, "...otherwise push his proposals to build middle class opportunity-all rejected so far by Obama."  In which case, that is not true because the middle class is essential for this economy.  Who else besides the rich are going to support Republicans. Many of their supporters are also middle class too.  Democrats and Republicans needs the middle class because who else is going to be able to afford to buy things besides the rich?  Definitely, not the poor.   Democrats and Republicans need to work together.  That is where are bias is stated in the post the rest of the article is actually on what is causing Obama's Agenda to go out of control.

Always be weary of the media especially since the media is not free to oppose Obama in which I will go over that in more detail on another post. 


Spodak, C. (2014, July 20). World Events Derail Obama's Agenda . CNN , p. 1.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Guns and EBT cards?

A few days ago I read an article about Democrat Timothy Horrigan being upset about a Senate bill that would block the purchasing of guns, tobacco, alcohol, and lottery tickets with EBT cards.  

I will say this that I am for gun rights and what not, but I do not think that EBT cards should be used to purchase that.  These people who are receiving these benefits should use it for food and basic necessities.  The whole point of poor families receiving these benefits is so that they can survive and not starve to death.  

He says that it is violating their Second Amendment rights, but it is not. The reason it is not violating Second Amendment rights is that they can save up money to get the guns that they want.  Furthermore, yes we have the right to bear arms, but it does not mean that you should use the benefits to feed your children to purchase guns.  

In addition, you do not need guns, alcohol, lottery tickets and tobacco to survive therefore EBT cards should not be used.  Lastly, there are plenty of other weapon choices that are available like a knife. I kept a knife underneath my mattresses for a long time to protect myself just in case one of my moms ex-husbands returned to attempt to kill us.  

The basic argument is that why should my tax dollars be used to pay for someone else to buy weapons, alcohol, tobacco, lottery tickets when they need to use their benefits to feed their children?

Friday, April 4, 2014

Poor Little House of Representative Moran Complaining About his Paycheck

       Hello, I know that there is a lot of important things happening like issues with the Russians, Iran, and some other things.  I have not been blogging about those issues because it is the same thing over and over again.  Russians and the U.S. have always been on a tightrope, they are always going to find something to argue about like Syria, Iran, and now Siberia.  The point is that they should both not be meddling in other peoples business in which both countries have still yet to learn.

      Anyways, this conversation is going to be about a dear little representative who has panties in a bunch over the salary he makes in Congress.  Dear little Jim Moran a Democratic Representative from Virginia is complaining about his salary.  Well I think 174,000 dollars is enough for you to live off of because normally they have other practices they all had other occupations before this.  

      In addition, being a Congressman was not suppose to be a career it was suppose to be a temporary thing.  However, today politicians staff in office for long periods of time and they dictate what goes on every year.  Congressmen and women should have term limits to prevent the government from gaining so much power.  Term limits need to be established so that people still have a voice about other real problems.  Instead of debating abortion and death penalty you should be focused on bringing jobs back to Americans.  

     I guarantee that if we had term limits half of the crap that has been passed would not have been passed. Like the healthcare law because the majority of the people opposed then they would have listened and vetoed.  Furthermore, Obama would be impeached by now because of the countless violations he has committed against the constitution in regards to what he can do within his presidential powers.

    Lastly, if there were term limits then we would not have the same debates over the same issues that are not necessary.  Instead we would have debates on how to solve the real problems that are occuring at the moment that are affecting everybody.    

Friday, March 7, 2014

Accidently Hit the Bronx on the Subway...made me think.

Today I was riding on the subway and attempting to go to a cafe in Brooklyn. Well, I went on the wrong way and began going into the Bronx.  After I corrected myself and decided not to go to the cafe and just go back to Midtown.

As I was sitting on the train, I realize there are thousands of people who ride the train and who are part of different social classes.  The people on the train to the Bronx did not look at me funny especially since I was the only white person on the train nor did they mock me.  I really appreciated the fact that they did not look at me or treat me any different.  

Furthermore, here in New York different social classes and races interact with one another on a daily basis.  Yes, like other cities and states there are the rich, poor, and middle classes.  However, they are forced to interact with each other and they cannot seclude themselves from each other.  I like it because it makes everyone more accepting of one another because you are going to run into them regardless of how much money you make or where you live. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Democracies: The real Definition

So we have been seeing many news stories with information on the Ukraine claiming that President Victor Yanukovych is a dictator.  Furthermore, we are seeing democratic countries rooting for the people to overthrow him like last time in 2004, but he was reelected in 2010 then disposed again.  However, doesn't this sound familiar?  Egypt was a big problem, the people overthrew President Musharraf then elected another dictator who was part of the extremist sect of the Islamic Brotherhood.  

I think that countries need to be ready for their own free governments.  No other countries should force the people to overthrow their authoritarian government because if they are not prepared then the new government will fail to be created or if it is created it will fail.  The United States is notorious for pushing others to create democracies.

Now lets get to the lovely word of democracies.  The United States is not a democracy, the European countries are not democracies, and none of the governments who claim to be democracies are democracies because they are all  representational governments.  Representational governments are those governments who represent the people and allow for different representations of the population.  For instance, like Democrats and Republicans.  If the government was a democracy then majority rules.  The majority will make the decisions for everyone.  Just imagine if we had a democratic government then we would have Californians and New Yorkers determining our lives. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Executive Orders: President Obama, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan

Hello, to whomever views this blog.  It has been awhile, but today I am writing about Executive Orders.  Executive Orders are used to implement a change immediately to a law or to stop implementing a law.  Presidents have become more adept to use executive orders especially when the Congress is not approving of the goals they want to accomplish.  Executive Orders can be good and bad for Americans. Orders can be good if they are used to acutally help the people and they can be bad if they are used to eliminate the rights of the people or intentionally surpass the governments checks and balances.

Lately, President Obama has come under scrutiny for the issuing of executive orders because they are being used to surpass the checks and balances of the government and to show Congress that he can o what he wants when he wants too.  This is bad because the President is slowly able to take power from the other branches of government who can serve as a check on the executive branch. Furthermore, this could alienate the people because constitutional rights could become limited.

The point I am trying to make is be watchful of President Obama as he uses to further his political goals in which he sometimes hides as a way of helping the people.  These executive orders make him less answerable to the people, the state governments, other branches of the national government, and the media.  

Do not be surprised if he becomes more tyrannical during the last years of his term.  

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Copper Stocks Plummets: Recession Likely to be Announced Next Quarter

Copper prices have been plummeting this month and that only means one thing a recession.  

See the news fails to look at the price of copper which is probably the most dumbest thing that anybody can do.  Copper is used for just about everything like infrastructure, the building of houses, vehicles, air conditioning units, etc.  Copper is one of the most widely used resources in this world.  Yes people like to look at the price of gold, but that is not necessarily a good predictor of the economy.  

If the price of copper continues to drop like it is then the Federal Reserve Bank will be announcing another recession.  Technically, we are in a recession...they just do not announce it to the public until the next quarter after the recession has begun.  

Threats of Civil Disobedience by Environmentalists

I was waiting for the Keystone Pipeline issue to resurface and it has!!!!!
Of course we all know that the environmentalists are opposed to it because they do not want harm to come to the vegetation and the animals. Proponents for the Pipeline want to create jobs and be less dependent on imported oil.  Oh America and the first world problems we encounter.  
The Environmentalists forget one thing, what creates revenue? Oh right, money and jobs.  What funds the Envrionmental Protection Agency?  Once again revenue, we need jobs to create revenue.  Unfortunately, the next thing to scientists to be cut is the EPA because they are just an extracurricular branch like NASA.  What makes them think that they are saved from having their funds cut like NASA?  

Those oil rig jobs might help sustain the EPA, you never know. 

I forgot about my civil obedience.  I wonder what those environmentalists would use to create civil disobedience.  Destroy the environment by breaking windows and destroying property?  Which all contribute to the environment they want to save because if anybody wants to rebuild they are going to have to manufacture the necessary equipment. Unless they are just going to be throwing their recycled shoes at people. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sinless in a world of Sin

Hello, how are you all today?  
Yes I have not posted for awhile, but that is because Grad School is kicking my butt and having a full-time job.  

Well, this post is different from my usual political posts because in this post I will be talking about sin.  Right now there is this concept that has been bugging me for quite sometime and that is idea of being sinless.  Well, like I said on a status on facebook.  Being sinless is not possible, we commit sins when we are in sleep, we are committing a sin every minute of the day possibly every second of the day.  The only thing that we can do is try to become better human beings and be better in the eyes of the Lord.  Why else do you think Jesus died for our sins?  He died because God knew that we were going to continue committing sins regardless of the sacrifices to him, so he had his son sacrificed as the ultimate sacrifice.  We can become better in the eyes of the Lord, but remember we will never be sinless.  As long as you have faith in the Lord and believe Jesus died for your sins you will go to heaven.

Extreme Christians bother me because they think they have the right to judge and the right to dictate the lives of others.  They are no better then the fundamentalists of other religions, they seek power and control.  You do not have the right to tell someone else to live.  You can educate them on the consequences of their actions, but you have no right to judge or tell them what to do.  

Much less do you have the right to force people to conform to your ways. 

I am a Christian and I am far from perfect.  I do not seek perfection, but I do seek to improve myself every single day.  The reason so many people get drawn away from religion is because people attempt to force others to think and act like them.  However, those that attempt to force others to change their lives or judge them all the time are the biggest hypocrites. I have learned that fundamentalists are the biggest hypocrites.  God is merciful, just, and loves everyone despite their sinful ways.  Why can't other do the same in this world? Oh right, sin. However, we can try to love our neighbors a little bit more.  

That is what I love about Christian Reformed (follow Calvinism theology), in their doctrine for the church they tell you to love everyone and treat them the same despite the differences.  Whether they are homosexual or have children out of wedlock.  Now granted many people still do not want to accept, but they should try harder to be more accepting. You do not have to accept their actions, but they are human and sinful like others.  

You judge them because they sin differently then you do.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why are there more Mass Shootings?

So today I heard there was another school shooting and it happened in Roswell, New Mexico. CNN presented a graph indicating the rise in mass shootings.  Then they asked, why has there been this increase?  

For one there is one thing we can rule out and that is guns is the major player in the contribution.  There were less regulations in the past and there was less mass shooting and to some degree less of a problem.  Second, I think the problem are the signs that are posted outside of buildings, "This is a gun free school," "No firearms permitted."  These building managers and schools are setting themselves to be targeted by idiots who enjoy taking the lives of others.  Third, this society believes that the world can become perfect. Well, I hate to burst your bumble, this world is never going to be perfect and you need to get over it.  I always believe that you can improve the world, but there is always going to be that one person or a group of people that want to harm others.  

Fifth, but not the last...responsibility.  We live in a society where people do not take responsibility for their actions.  They blame disorders despite knowing what is wrong and right.  They blame people, the blame the government, they blame their family, and they just blame everything else but themselves.  

The world is never going to be perfect, but one thing is that we can prevent these killings by improving community programs, better education, and promote responsibility for your own destiny and actions.

However, there is still going to be that one jerk that wants to harm everyone else.