Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Communism Suppressing Religion

So today I am sitting in my Western Civilization class today and we are talking about the Collapse of the USSR and basically why Communism failed. I go to a Christian College, so we had religion mentioned in the lecture of course. Pope John Paul II came to Poland to see his fellow Polish folks and hold mass. When the Communist Government allowed him in to talk to his fellow people and hold mass was a big mistake for them. Reviving the spiritual aspect of their lives in the open helped bring about a revolution to Poland. Eventually, they became free of Communism about ten years after the Pope's visit.
I think that the Pope helped bring their spirituality into the open because Communism tends to suppress religion. You want to know why they do that?

Well I may not be right, but here is my opinion. They suppress religion because they know that if they have people believe in a religion, they will see that Communism is wrong and a faltering ideology. They will n
ot believe that salvation on earth can be achieve. Look at what the Communist Party in China did, they arrested Christians for holding Easter Services. They have been waiting a long time to do that to go after these Christians. They do not want them to practice the religion because they fear that they will influence the people that Communism is wrong. Also Christianity gives them a separate identity from the masses and they do not want that.

They want people to remain all the same and that nobody is different from one another. Another possibility that they suppress religion is because they relate it back to America. I remember reading in the National Geographic about a girl that got interviewed, she said that in school they are taught to hate Americans and the Japanese.

Christianity gets suppressed by Communist regimes all the time and most of them are completely Atheistic. Once you get rid of Christianity it allows for ethics and humanity to go down the drain. The people in China still do live in very poor situations. Look at North Korea they are starving and their government can care less because they are too worried about South Korea. People in Venezuela are going to start starving and most of them are because Hugo Chavez came in a turned things around. He is beginning the Communist regime there and he is taking away the property of the elite and is going to use them for the poor, supposedly.

I am happy to know that from other sources I hear that there are people working in those Countries to bring Christianity. I hope that eventually Christianity prevails in those countries because they need it. They need to know that they are made in GODS IMAGE TOO!!! They need to know that they deserve to be treated better than animals and slaves. They need to realize that there are people in other countries that care for them and we are trying to find ways to help them.

I think you should read this article http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/25/world/asia/25church.html?_r=3&smid=tw-nytimes&seid=auto