Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thinking About Possibilites

I am often wondering about love. I have not had a boyfriend for several years and I have only attempted to go out with two guys. I sometimes think that there is something wrong with me. However in Rob Bell's Sex God book he tells his readers that there is nothing wrong with us, we should just be happy with what the Lord gave us. Easier said then done. I live in America, where the ideal woman is thin and perfect in looks. I am neither of those, maybe in my own special way I am pretty. I am generally a very nice person, but nice gets you no where in America sometimes. I just wish that Americans were not so strung up on the looks, that is partially why as a nation we are becoming slowly immoral and/or moral relativism.

We are too focus on the superficial that we are losing the morals of our society. No one bothers to look through the surface to the person hidden beneath. For instance, some people completely ignore people that do not look at them, they sometimes that they are human too. People willy nilly go and have abortions like crazy, but they do not see that there is a baby in there that can feel the pain that is being inflicted on them. The nervous system is the first system to develop. Another problem that we have morally is that we forget usually criminals have feelings too and they sometimes need someone to talk to them about the problems. However, they need someone that is real that has gone through the same problems of them, has gotten out of those situations.

I just think that there is a problem with morals in are nation that has begun with looking at the superficial. Men and women care too much about the looks. However, you know what is so funny, the couple of boyfriends that I actually had, is that I actually liked them for their personality first and in the long-run I became more physically attracted to them. Maybe if we look deeper into the person, then we will develop morally.

We have to remember that God created us in His image. We are all humans, we have to remember that we have feelings and problems just like each other.