Monday, May 30, 2011

I guess it is Wrong to Date a Jewish Person

I was always curious if I could go out with a Jewish guy, but I guess not. Since they are considered unbelievers because they do not believe that Jesus came to the earth and that he is coming back. I am still astounded by the fact that Jewish people tend to be really religious but do not believe in Jesus and for that they are not going to heaven, That makes me really sad because I thought that they would go to heaven, but they do not. I learned about this a few weeks ago and it makes me really sad.

However, just because they do not believe in Jesus does not mean that we should not let them get persecuted for what they believe in and that goes for many other religions. I understand that some of my fellow Christians think that it is so ungodly to go out with a Jewish guy and I am not going out with one. However, that does not mean that we should hate on them or try to force them to convert.

I asked on Yahoo Answers if it would be wrong for me to go out with a Jewish Guy. I got plenty of Christians telling me that I am not truly a Christian. People were quoting Martin Luther (a Jew Hater) for me even thinking about it. other Christians were much more nicer about it. When i see other Christians ridiculing me and other Christians, I see why other people are afraid of Christianity. Look at how we treat one another for not believing in the same thing or criticizing one another.

I am not perfect I just wanted to know if it was possible for me to go out with a Jewish guy, but now I know that it not possible. I could date a Messianic Jew because he does believe in Christ.

Memorial Day

This day to many is about drinking and just having a good time. Like many holidays people use it as an excuse to get drunk. Well, I see this holiday for what it is for and it is to honor the people that have fought to protect this country and to help the many countries that we have helped. This day should go back when we fought the British in our revolution.

We honor those that fought in the Spanish-American War and the wars that took place during the Cold War. Also honor those many that have died in both of the World Wars. I think that some Americans tend to forget to honor those that have fought. They are too worried about the political aspect of the war. For all those so-called "Pacifists" you need to understand that soldiers are fighting for you to keep your freedom to protest the war in Afghanistan. Also in the Cold War for all you hippies and yuppies.

Those soldiers are doing their duty for this country so that we can remain free and we need to honor those that have died trying to keep those freedoms. I am so proud to be an American and to have people fighting for our rights. Thank you so much soldiers

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Playing Fix it All in the World, but not in America

I am on my computer checking out the news. As I am reading about some people dying in Pakistan after a NATO attack on some terrorists, I realize that people within the US do not really care about the US. While we are trying to fix the world of their problems, we ignore the ones that are here. For instance, Obama has no regard for the people's opposition to the Health Care bill, he acts like he knows the solution. When in reality the Health Care Bill is going to hurt the US. The countries within the European Union are a perfect example of that. When people become too dependent on the government they do not take responsibility for their life or actions. That is what is going to happen to the US.

Another thing is that while we are trying to help the poor in other countries, we do not do a good job at helping those that are here. Delivering them some water or food when they are out on the streets. The people in the poor countries deserve help too, but so does our people. Granted not everyone is going to want the help. However, we are not really doing a good job at helping the poorer nations because we are stunting their growth as a country. You now there are farmers that are there and they are trying to sell their food to their people. But they end up not being able to sell because we are giving away food.

The final thing that really irkes me is the fact that our freedoms are going away. People hardly acknowledge the fact that the more we depend on government, the more we lose our freedoms. Look at what is happening in the middle east. The US just waltzes into Pakistan and takes Bin Laden out, while getting the permission to shoot any Pakistan officer or military that gets in the way. There is a violation of a nation's sovereignty. They could have worked a bit more on the negotiation and compromise. That violation of sovereignty directly depicts what is going on the US. There was a lot more freedom with a limited government. Granted there are going to be people that are not going to be fortunate, but their family needs to help them or someone other than the government

All I am saying is that before we can go out and care about other nations, we need to care about our own too. Robert Frost suggested that the first step to caring about the world is to first care and support or local home, then your state, then your nation, and then finally the rest of the world. How can we help others when we need help too. Granted we can and need to both at the same time. However, there are some priorities that need to be arranged. The first one is caring about how your nation feels about certain policies and what their needs are.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A bunch of Hard-Headed People

So I always wondered why me, my sister, and my mom always get into arguments. Well, during the past couple of days I realized why. It is because we are so hard-headed. We do not like to listen to other people's opinion if it is different from ours. If we do disagree it always turns into an argument of trying to convince one another why we are right.

Now if we say, "well its my opinion," Then the other person feels like they have lost the battle or the other person just surrendered. Then the argument continues because we feel either of those two emotions, defeat or surrender.

My mom, sister, and I are all hard-headed, opinionated, and determined to do things our way or no way at all. If people see us argue they all think something is wrong with us. However, nothing is wrong with us because I think that God just happened to give us the same traits. Now He likely wants us to work on how to cope with the fact that we are all the same and we need to learn how to compromise. Also learn how to avoid feeling like we got defeated or surrender.

People may think that we are dysfunctional. However, we all got some kind of dis-functionality in our families. I just know that at the end of the day is that we all love one another.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Leaving NYC

I am happy to be leaving NYC!! The city was not meant for me and I should have known that when I first visited here. I almost kissed the concrete when I got back to Arizona because I was so happy to be home. Now I was not homesick, I just did not like the city at all.

However, I ended up dropping all applications a few months afterwards to go to King's College. One day I just did it and I thought, I think God is doing this. So I went to NYC and King's College was great.

On the other hand, the city was just not meant for me. I like nature and open land!!! I love being able to smell fresh air. I love the fact that AZ does not get much rain. After living in a place where it rains a lot, I appreciate the drought. Plus, I never heard of rain boots till I came here or snow boots.

Although there were many bad things there was also a few good things. For instance, the amazing people that I have met here and I desire to keep in contact with them all. Especially those from the Spiritual Life Project. I did not join that group until second semester, but it was amazing. They are true friends and I love that.

Another thing that I like is that the education was great. However, I did not feel like I was getting my money worth because my tuition was going towards paying for the rent in the Empire State Building not towards the students. To the people location is what matters to them not the well-being of the students. Some of you may disagree, but that is how I felt. I like the school but I am not getting my money worth.

Also I am going to miss the Starbucks night crew in the Empire State Building they are amazing. They are just such awesome people. Thanks to Jesse, one that works there (hopefully he reads this) he has officially changed my common drink. My new drink instead of Carmel frap is not Mocha Coconut Frap

Well, New York has been a great experience. I think that God may have wanted me to be here to grow spiritually in which I am a much better Christian now. I have never been so devoted to God since my time being here. I have changed into a much better person and I am happy. Hopefully, I can share my faith to others.

I am satisfied with my decision to go to University of Minnesota because I am going to be able to do what I want. I am hoping to double major and minor. Major in Criminology and Political Science. Minor in Arabic Studies. I am sad to go and leave my friends. However, I feel like this is the right decision

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

On Karla's Computer

I am currently on Karla's computer. Playing with her Mac. She is such a wonderful friend and I am going to miss her when I am gone. She has been one of the most truest friends I have ever had and I am really going to miss her. She is one of those friends that you want to keep in touch with forever. I am willing to travel 2000 miles to see because she is one of the closet friends that I have ever had.

Becky is another friend that is one of the closet people to me. I love her humor and she is a friend that I can confide in when I have problems. She is also one of those friends that I will travel miles to see and when she gets married to her boyfriend lol.

These two people are very dear to me and I am going to miss them greatly. I don't think that I can ever meet people like them, they are unique and special.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I am kind of disappointed with the US at the moment. I think that we should have probably consulted Pakistan before we raided his hideout. How would we feel if another country suspected a terrorist hiding out in the US and conducted a raid without our approval. Right now the government is not thinking at all or they were not thinking at all. I understand that they found proof that he was there and I am all up for getting the guy. However, the US is just not doing the right thing. They are lying to the Pakistan government and not communicating to them.

The US needs to start thinking about the relationships that we have with other countries. Especially Pakistan, we had great relationships with them until we started letting the drones in and now we conduct a raid without them approving. If someone did that to us we would be angry and tell them that they had no right.

WHO ARE WE TO JUST WALTZ INTO ANOTHER COUNTRY? Just because we are the US does not mean that we have that right, there is a reason why so many may hate us. We do stupid things like that. We could have let Pakistan know that we would like to conduct a raid and then bargain with them. IF they want something from the US, we would do our best job to meet those needs so that we could have gotten Osama

I think that it is great that we got the guy. However, THE END RESULTS DOES NOT JUSTIFY THE MEANS!!! We have absolutely no right to do that because we would not like it at all

The worst part about this is that Obama issued that special forces were given the order to fire at Pakistan police or military if they met any opposition. That is so wrong, I would think that Pakistan has a right to fire because you just came into their country illegally. For a country that is suppose to be helping human rights, we sure are destroying them. Pakistan has the right to shoot if they please, Obama you cannot just walk into your country thinking that you have privileges.

I love the US, it is my country. However, we are wrong in how we got Osama, that is just the end of the story. Pakistan has every right to be upset with us.

PS I know that the US has been doing it for awhile. However, i think that I have the right to get a little upset and I know that it will happen again

Friday, May 6, 2011

wow Now Feminist Arguing for Gender Equality in Children Stories

So I am reading this article thinking how ridiculous this journalist is for arguing that women should have a more equal amount of characters in children stories. Wow what is this world coming to? We are never going to achieve perfect equality till the Lord comes nor do I care about gender equality so much. I am happy for the feminist movement back in the day because now I can vote and have more opportunities.

There is no way that I am going to cry over the fact that women get paid less or that women are less represented in children books. Also when I do have children there is no way that I am going to censor my children from children stories just because they are less equal. Get over it!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Japan Sends Tornado Relief Supplies to Alabama

Thank you Japan for the kindness in sending supplies to Alabama. That is very sweet. See Japan is a country that appreciates the help that we have given them. I have always ranted about how other countries do not appreciate the help that we give them or they never help us when disaster strikes. However, Japan has done a really nice thing, they are one of the few countries that actually appreciate the help that we give them. NOTE: when I rant about other countries not returning the favor, I am not talking about poor countries because they do not have the supplies for that. A thanks is always appreciated though. That is so nice of Japan and I really appreciate the help that they are giving to those in Alabama. Your country is still suffering a little bit from the Tsunami and earthquake and you still help us


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Family gets 2 million dollars for bear attacks

So this boy gets mauled by a bear and then the family sues he US Forest Department, mind you in a civil court (so asking for money). Now I find it just a tad ridiculous that a family is going to ask for that much money and then say "oh we just want them to post signs about the risk of bears" First of all, if you are going camping in the FOREST, there is going to be bears present. Secondly, before you go camping you should read about how to stay safe and prevent an attack. For instance, as kids we were taught not to keep food in the tent, but keep it in the car because of the bears. This family had food in their tent THAT IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST RULES WHEN IT COMES TO CAMPING.

I guess not everything is common sense to some people. Anyways, this family sued for a ridiculous amount of money. Just like over half of people that do go to civil court. What are they going to do with that money? Likely do something stupid. How about you go spend that money on making a scholarship fund for the next person that gets mauled by a bear. OR you could use that money to make the SIGNS about bears yourself. So the next time you go camping you will not put food in your tent

Anyway, sorry if I disrespected their family. I feel sorry and sad that the poor boy is dead, it is no ones fault, just a little arrogance that is it. So remember when you go camping DO NOT PUT FOOD IN YOUR TENT.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama's death

Okay so I had to sit through two classes that talked about this mans death. One professor was like it was wrong for Christians to celebrate because that is what the Bible tells us. The other was not surprised that Christians acted that way or the US citizens acted that way. My opinion is that I am not surprised that we acted and cheered when we first heard the news. I was excited that justice has finally been served. This man finally got what he deserves.

Now some make the argument that he was a father and a husband too. On the other hand, he killed over 3, 000 Americans and countless others that were fathers, mothers, h
usbands, wives, daughters, and sons. He should not have killed those people and we cannot let a man run around and do that to people.

Europe was not going to do anything about Osama ten years ago when he attacked the US. The only people that was going to do something about it was the US, no one else was brave enough to do it except us. Madrid subways had gotten attacked, did they send troops to the middle east to find the leaders to fight them, no of course not. IF President W. Bush had not sent the troops in to find him then he would have attacked us more and would have attacked other countries. I am happy that Obama (sad to say I need to give him credit) and military leaders, the military as a whole were able to organize to find him and take him at. Justice needed to be served and sad to say we would rejoice.

However I am not fully happy with him being dead because we still need to worry about terrorists. The war is not done just yet, there are still things that the military may need to finish up. Also the war on terror is not done because there are still going to be people attempting to harm the US. There was an article that was posted a few days ago that stated that the NYPD is practicing with bomb sniffing dogs in the subway and at Times Square because terrorists are going to try. Also federal agencies know that sleeper cells exist in the US and they are trying to make sure to prevent those sleeper cells from getting aid from the terrorist organizations in the middle east.

Terrorism is still a risk, it does not end with one man dead. As a Christian I think that justice has been served, I am not happy about the thought of death, but he killed thousands. I wish that he knew Jesus Christ!!!