Thursday, December 29, 2011

Spring 2012

Okay so I have taken a bit of a break from blogging. However, now I am going to begin posting again as the academic semester begins again. There is a correlation because that is when I hear the most controversial subjects and I always have something to say, well usually!

My first post is going to be dealing with the issue that is happening in Nigeria. The reason for this is because the problem has been happening for awhile, but things really escalated since the Christmas attack on a couple of churches.

Religious wars here I come...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Increase Benefits with A Cost

So Congress has decided that they want to increase benefits to people that are receiving Social Security and Medicare. However, all this benefits are going to come at a high cost. Taxes are going to increase, the Congress is going to increase taxes so they could pay for all these benefits. As a result, inflation is going to occur and the people that are going to be affected the most are the poor people.

The poor people are going to impacted because Congress is going to decrease the amount of people that are going to receive aid. They have to decrease aid in areas that affect them the most. Like Head Start programs, Food Stamps and other forms.

Now before you start trying to blame a party. Look at it this way. One, Republicans hold a majority in House of Reps. Two, Democrats hold a majority in the Senate. Congress has decided that this was the only solution, but there is more solutions then what they think. This is similar to what happen in Jimmy Carter's time and Ronald Reagan decreased taxes in order to get inflation down.

History tends to repeat itself. People may think it is cool that Social Security and Medicare got increased, but in the end it is the same before the benefits were increased. Taxes increase and so does the price to live.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Broadcast Media and Federal Government

Media is a wonderful thing. For instance, if it was not for technology I would not be writing a blog and this is a form of media. However, there are times that media really can damage people's images or even a nation's image. Also it can cause a nation to divide because of the information they give to the people.

Broadcast Media is beginning to damage America because of the information they give. They give information that will make Americans react and they
want the news to be interesting. The media likes to present the Congress' differences and what they disagree upon. However, they do not show what they agree on or if they do it is only a minute broadcast. For instance, right now the media is focused on the Jobs Bill and on how much Republicans and Democrats do not agree. On the other hand, while the Jobs Bill is going on they did not show the Republicans and Democrats worked together to get THREE new trade agreements passed and President Obama signed off on it.

The media likes to present the drama of Congress and not what they agree on. Instead they prefer to get a rise out of Americans. I understand that it is their way of making news, but they a
re dividing the nation. They are constantly hounding at Congress. They hound Congress so much that politicians seem like they are campaigning in non-election years. If a Republican agrees with the Democrats he suddenly gets shunned and vice versa. If they agree with the opposite political party, that means trying to work together and agree with the other side.

Politicians are dividing up the United States along with the media because they refuse to make compromises. They refuse to agree with one another because they know the media will look down upo
n them and try to make them look bad to their Constituents.

America we need to start agreeing and stop depending on the media. If you do not have time listen to CNN and FOX News to see the different sides. Stop letting the media divide this nation even further down the line. As a nation we need to begin compromising. Otherwise, this nation will fall apart and we will be in a Civil War. Th federal government needs to compromise with one another and stop blaming each other because it is everyone's fault.

Media is not a bad thing, but it is hurting our nation. The downfall of broadcast media is that it tends to favor one side or the other and then it further divides the people. We have to learn how to compromise or else we will all end up to be losers.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The New Libya

So the New Libya is going to have Islamic Law as its foundation and they are going to lift the laws that have limited the number of wives that men can take up. That is the very first thing that they told people. They already had it planned out, they say its a revolution, but will see if it really was. They are going to make a Constitution and have it go to a referendum vote. However, we do not know who is going to be the voters. Is it going to be the people that are in the interim-government or everyone? Will see how this goes.

I think that the temporary government is responsible for executing all those Gaddafi supporters. I think that if you are trying to create a more just government than you should have gave them a trial. Who knows this revolution might end up like Egypt, utter chaos.

If you are going to have a revolution do not be a hypocrite.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Occupy Wallstreet Post Again

I know that I have posted a lot on this subject and if you read the previous it will say a lot of things I said before, but there are some new ideas that I have learned over the days. I guess I keep writing because it is my way of making my voice to be heard or at least seem to be heard. I am currently jobless and I do not blame corporations for the problems that I have. I blame government fro some problems, but not anything directly related to me.

So I listen to all the news that is going on about Occupying Wall Street, also comments from my professor, and my fellow students and there is one common theme. The common theme is that most people that are protesting do not even know why they are doing it Another theme is that they just want to be part of a part of a movement. I thought that it was a good thing that my professor pointed out and I have been saying this is my other posts is that you are protesting the very corporation that gives you a job. The very corporation that supplies the cell phone that you use and the service that you use to make that phone work. One of my classmates pointed out is that he sees these people protesting, but they are sending text messages on their Iphones. Does that make any sense? He used that as reasoning, that there is a lot of misplaced anger.

Now according to the news, is that one third of the protestors want socialism. Do you think socialism is the answer and do you think it is compatible to the American Constitution? First of all Socialism is not the answer because in the future it will have long term effects that we are not going to be able to handle in the future. Secondly, the federal government would undermine the states rights. Thirdly, we would have to give up some rights to make Socialism possible. One of those rights would be the pursuit of happiness because the government would limit our choices in some areas of our lives. I know this because when I was looking for colleges in Europe I noticed that you have to take an English proficiency exam. This effectively eliminates those that have not learned English and already decides how far they can pursue their education in that country.

Us, Americans, tend not to be too fond of people that think they can decide our futures for us. So socialism will not work for us because we have way different mindsets. The other question that I had, is do you think it will be compatible with our Constitution? AND that is a big fat NO because are Constitution was not developed to ensure that everyone has the same outcomes in life or equality financially. Instead, are Constitution provides us with the ability to have the same starting point and more than ever that is true today. I say this because we did not use to have grants be given out to people to go to college or student loans to help college students pay for college. We are more than ever given the opportunity to go above and beyond expectations. I also think that people forget that education is a privilege here in America. You have to be able to want to be educated. That leads me to my next point.

Another lovely thing that protestors want is that education should be guaranteed through college. However, that should not happen because of the problems in secondary education. First, there is already enough people that take advantage of the public education system. People ditch school, get poor grades, or drop out. Why should a professor be obligated to teach some of those people that do not want to learn. Granted, there are still those that fail classes in college these days because they do not want to learn. Instead, they want to waste tax payers dollars to sit in class and fail. Secondly, if there was an increase in supply for workers , but not enough jobs, what would happen? There would not be enough jobs in the specialized areas, half of the people would still end up working at McDonald's for the rest of their lives. Finally, the incentive to earn great grades would go down. The smart students might not feel like being the best to succeed at school. They would lose incentives.

I think the Occupy Wall Street is full of people that want to blame others for their problems. It is not a movement because the people are not united and there is simply not a majority of people. They feel like a majority, but they are not. I think that there are other people to blame for the problems that we are having and one of them is the Federal Government. They have not been doing their job to get things done. Obama and Congress barely started to focus on the job issue because he is facing reelection and he wants to win. Even Republicans have an upward battle to face because these days we do not know where the majority is going to shift their support to.

I believe that the people that do run the corporations do deserve their pay because they work hard to get their and to stay in that position. People wonder why they get bonuses and sometimes they get it because they met a goal that they had to meet. If all those people that were protesting corporations were in their shoes they would not being doing it because they have money. You earn what you work. How much you get paid depends on the skill level that you have in that area or if it requires no skills at all. Not everyone can run a business or develop computer chips.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

They Have Won

The fight is over and you have one liberals and socialists. America is on the brink of ending here as we speak. Maybe, not as a country, but the Constitution is going to end. Unless, Amendments are made to make a more centralize government and make everyone earn the same wage.

However, I think that it is time to wave the flag of surrender because the socialist will run this country into the ground. Free-market has fallen in this country. We will no longer be producing anything anymore. Look at Europe, that is the future of our country. Our rights and liberties taken away because there are some people that are just to lazy to work hard for what they want. They just want it handed to them like some European governments hand people a check every month.

This country was built on hard work and we for a long time have supported that. However, thanks to FDR and the courts before him we have open the flood-gate of more people depending on the government. People keep wanting more from the government and it is never going to end. The people in France had a fit because they increased the retirement age. Here in America if we had a mandated retirement age (in some aspects we do) than people would throw a fit because they would not get the money from the government. The only difference between France and America is that we worked hard for our money. All the money taken from Social Security comes back to us eventually.
Here in America the rich people are going to get taxed more than ever. I am not rich, I am middle class. Anyways, the rich have worked hard for their degrees. Most of them have went to school for long periods of time so that they can work their way up to earn that money. They do deserve their money. They pay the most taxes and their taxes do benefit the poor, you just do not see it because you are blind!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only do their taxes help the poor, but they also donate tons of money to charities!!!!! Are you still blind America???????? YOU LISTEN TO POLITICIANS COMPLAIN HOW THE RICH DOES NOT HELP THE PEOPLE, BUT THEY DO!! YOU WHINE ABOUT PAYING TAXES WHEN YOU GET THE MONEY BACK!!! THEY PAY THEIR FARE SHARE OF TAXES, ALL OF THEM OWE MONEY BACK AND MAJORITY MIDDLE CLASS DOES NOT!!!


However, everything that I said is for nothing because you have won the battle. So rejoice in the fact that you will get what you want. The rich and the middle-class will become the slaves of the poor. Just shows you can attempt to go to school and work hard for what you want. However, majority of all you hard work will go to those that do not want to work for what they want. If you are a Christian read Genesis, even God tells us that we are going to have to work to put food on the table

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wall Street

I am really disappointed with Americans, I believe that we are moving in a direction that is far from the Constitution. Maybe it is time for a new one that lets the Socialist win, so they can see how it will fail. The majority of the people are just falling the stuff they see on TV, they do not reasearch anything. Well, maybe some do. The do not bother to look deeper into the issues and see both sides.

I am happy that the American Gove
rnment was formed the way it was because it prevents idiots that let the media influence them from gaining control. IF they did have the ability to gain control it would be tyranny of the majority. It would kind of be like Iran. One week they enforce a law and than they stop enforcing it the next week. If America ran like that we would be in chaos.

Majority of the people protest
ing, I guarantee, have not taken an economics class and does not know how it works. They do not understand that corportations are the ones that give them the jobs and not the government. IF they regulated the businesses more and taxed them hire then there would be less jobs.

Clearly, it has been proven that Capitalism works, we have been running a capitalistic system since the country was born. It has shown that corporations hire more people then anything else. The government sucks at paying its employees except
their are great benefits. The government has no right to take ownership of a company, that is violating their rights to private property.

Americans need to understand that corporations are private businesses and the government can only tax them. Now if taxes increase than less jobs will be around because they do not have the money to pay for more people. If corporations get increased regulation than more people will lose their jobs.

The solution is to deregulate and not increase taxes, more jobs will be created.

You know the president ask the rich, how much money do you need to live? However, maybe we should decrease your pay to 100,000 every year. You ask this question, but according to the Constitution we have the right to private property, pursue happiness, and liberty. We have the freedom to make as much money as we want and prevent the government from taking away property. We have the right to have success or failure. The Constitution allows Equal Opportunity, but in order to go where you want to go you need to work for what you want in life. IF you do not work for what you want than you do not deserve it. That is how America operates and how it will continue to work.

I work hard every single day to get good grades to get a degree. Eventually, get a high paying job. I work for what I want and others in America should do the same.

If you do not want to work for what you want than stay on government assistance or get the hell out of the country. Go to a country where it is mandatory that businesses shut down for an hour. Go to a country where they pay you since the day that you were born, go there. If you do not like America than leave!!!

You say that you want corporations to come back to America, but you want tax them. Well, if you tax them more they are not going to come back to America. They need incentives to come back to America and taxing them is not going to be one of them.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Possible Failure of the Jobs Bill is Not Because of Racism

So since the Jobs Bill cannot even get passed in the House of Representatives Al Sharpe-ton and President Obama are now playing the race card!! This not a race issue because if that Jobs Bill were to pass it would help people of all races. Please stop putting race as a factor on everything. I am part white and I cannot get a job, so what does that say? Affirmative Action still plays a large role in society. I have seen it first-hand in many states. For instance, New York there is diverse races groups working.

SO stop playing the race card, it is wrong!!! President Obama wants to blame everyone else for the reason it is not passing and why this economy is failing. However, he should have dealt with the jobs problem first instead of worrying about foreign affairs first. The issue of unemployment should have been dealt with first. Clearly the Stimulus Packet did not benefit the economy and after that failure he should have been focused on another solution.

Taxing the businesses more and the rich people is not going to help the economy. Deregulation is going to help bring the jobs back because business will want to move back to America. Deregulation is going to help the business hire more people because most of their resources are spent dealing with the many regulations. Decreasing the regulations to start a business will help the economy as it has been proven in Hong Kong!!

Obama needs to begin thinking in the long-term to solve the issues. If he stops promoting Capitalism than we will end up like Europe in the gutter. There Socialist plans have failed them. As a result, socialism has caused the banks and the economy to suffer. Do you want that to happen to America in a century?

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Americans do not understand why I Founding Fathers fought for liberty in this country. They do not understand what they did to fight centralized government (the monarchy). They do not understand that we have always wanted to keep our liberty. Do they understand that when you demand on the government to give you economic equality that you are asking the government to take away your rights?

Do Americans understand that some people start business because they believe that it will give them a better life to be happy? Do Americans understand that if it were not for Capitalism that we would have fallen a long time ago? Do Americans understand that the countries that are part of the European Union is failing eco
nomically because of Socialism?

I do not think th
at Americans know what the hell they are protesting. This country has not survived because of the need to put everyone on food stamps. This country has lasted long because of the ability to develop economically and make your own way. America gives everybody an equal starting point. It gives you the choice to be a success or fail. You fail because of you actions not because of what others have. In this country we are taught to work hard for what we want. We are not taught to sit on our butts and expect government to give us things.



Monday, October 3, 2011

Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Execution

Iran has been known to make false reports on why someone has been arrested. It happens all the time there. This Pastor is being executed because he refuses to give up his Christian faith and they think that he was trying to convert Muslims. However, Iran is saying that he raped someone and committed extortion. In which we know is false.

Some of you may not know how Iran operates. Well, I will let you know. They arrest hundreds of people a year on false charges. Now to get them to admit to the false charges and sign a document they torture them until they comply. They prefer to whip them, beat them, and sometimes not feed them. They like to make sure that they are alive. Then after they get the false confession, they usually kill them silently. Sometimes, the exec
ution is public if they are high crimes and they make sure that people will see what will happen to them if they do not comply to the rules.

This Pastor has been wronged. Now I have never believed that Iran is trying to give them more rights and freedoms. NO, they will not. I would like to believe that they will, but it is not going to happen. One of the reasons it is not going to happen is because there police enforce rules that they feel like enforcing that day or week. One week they will allow women to have slightly heavy make up and than the next week they will get arrested and receive lashes for their punishment.

I honestly think that as Americans and people across the world need to take Iran's promises with a grain of salt. They are not going to fulfill those promises until someone takes the power from Aytollah Sayed Ali Khamenei, Morteza Bakhtiari (Minister of Justice), and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

I pray for his family and the many others that have been harmed by Iran's government. Many people die each year because of the injustice that goes on there. So many people try to leave that country every year because of what goes on. Fellow Christians, we need to keep fighting for what we believe in, no matter what harm comes to us. This Pastor is and was doing his duty for God and we just need to keep fighting.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Not Every Act that Congress Passes is Applicable to Each State

I was sitting in my politics class and I have sort of a revelation. I understand that the federal government passes acts to benefit us. However, some acts do not help other states. For instance, No Child Left Behind. This act may have helped kids that were falling behind in some states, but it hurt the other states. Some states have bigger problems than education. For instance, some states have immigration issues. They have their resources being used up by people that do not pay for those resources. Other states may have issues with unemployment. There are states that are in terrible economic conditions. Take Michigan for example they haven't and still do not have the best economy. Many people have moved from Michigan to Arizona because they think they can get jobs here.

I think that the federal government needs to begin looking at the smaller picture. Another way to help states more effectively is to give them block grants to help fix some of their problems.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Crazy Republicans

This guy had the nerve to say that he does not want any crazy Republicans running the country. I guess he is really scared that Republicans might actually win the race. Who is to say that some of Obama's ideas were not crazy. I clearly understand where this guy stands. He is a close-minded individual that will never be able to see a middle ground. James Carville will always be negative towards the other party. At least I may be a Republican, but I want to see the benefits of both sides and that bad parts of ideas.

He is like some of t
hose Republicans and Democrats that do not want to compromise so that they could help the American people. He is clearly a portrait of the narrow-minded individuals in office that are hurting our nation. Put aside the thoughts of your campaign to be re-elected and start thinking about the citizens. If people do not re-elect you, you need to let them know that what you did was for the best interest of America. We need to start having term limits on the Representatives and the Senators.

By the way Republicans will fire right back at you James Carville for ignorantly attacking the Republicans the way you did. You obviously have no sense in what you said and how politically incorrect you were you idiot. I have some arguments that I would love to present to a narrow-minded guy like you. At least I can see in the middle of things.

Monday, September 12, 2011

American National Government

Some of you may know that I am taking American National Government to pass the time. Also a college did not accept my AP credit so I am just taking it in case I go there. However, their some lovely thing that I learned today. As I am reading my government book, I begin to feel a little bad. I blamed poor FDR for so many things when actually part of the problem stems today from the dear Supreme Court.

Okay let me begin I think the New Deal was a good idea in some ways, but some of the programs during that time brought us back into the depression. Thanks to World War II ( I am not happy about the lives that got lost in the war or h
appy that it occurred) it got us out and when we were assisting Britain before we entered the war. However, the Supreme Court is somewhat to blame for the reason we are in a "Welfare State" at the moment. They helped contribute by judging in some cases where the National Government gains superiority. Also a judge name Fiske, I believe, stated that the 10th was irrelevant. However, in 1990s the Supreme Court tried to clean up their mess of late by devolution.

As you have noticed in the last few days, people are really worried about Europe stocks at the moment. Now let me tell y
ou that in a decade or two we are going to be seeing exactly that or maybe even in three decades. We are going to be likely in a Social Welfare State, namely Socialism. Maybe we will not be full out Socialist for another 100 years. I think it is going to happen. Unless, we do something about it and stop the expansion of the government.

Europe is not producing enough to keep up with the financial costs of their social welfare plans. That is why they may need to deregulate a little bit and allow their businesses to thrive. Meaning they need to develop new types of products and export to other countries. U.S. will see this problem in the future if they do not get it together. Deregulate a little bit and allow businesses to patent new products and produce them. They will see a growth in jobs and money flow to the people. Then we will not need the government to issue tax cuts or stimulus packets. America could learn from Hong Kong because Americans and others like to go their to get business going. There are so many regulations here in America that it prevents an increase in smaller business and allow them to get bigger. For instance John Stossal interviewed several people that began business in Hong Kong and they succeeded. Why? The succeeded because of low regulations to get business going and maintain one.

That is what America needs to do to create jobs or we are in the crap whole for a long time. We need to stop depending on the federal government to do everything for us and they need to limit their powers and hand it over to the state.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sept 11, 2011

This is a day that people should put their differences aside and come together for what happened 10 years ago.  However, there are some people that are not willing to do that.  For instance, I saw someone put up the death counts in the middle east and then compare it to ours.  Are life should not be about the numbers.  First of all those people are killed by their own terrorists and people forget that. Majority of the civilian deaths have been from terrorists, so stop blaming the soldiers for all of them.  Innocent people will die in war and we cannot prevent that unless we make a few battlefields in clearings to prevent that.  However, the terrorists do not fight like that, they fight like the North Koreans and the Vietnamese did back in the Cold War.  They fight by ambushing, throwing bombs, hidden bombs. They do not fight the traditional way. 

So stop blaming the soldiers for all the deaths that have occurred.  Terrorists do not care who they kill just as long as they win and they get their point across. Their point that they are getting across is that they hate Western society and they want everyone to be under an Islamist rule.  Terrorists need to be punished for killing their people and others.  Terrorists like Al -Qaeda and the Taliban have no borders and they will go anywhere to get their point across and kill as many westerners as possible.  that is why they need to be stopped.

So when we mourn who we have lost we need to be strong for those families and for our nation.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Could See this coming between Israel and Egypt

I Knew that something was going to occur in Egypt. Egypt was never really happy when they signed the peace treaty after they got their butts handed to them in the war. Do Egyptians really think that they are strong enough to handle Israel at the moment?  I do not think that they are because they are in the middle of their revolution.  I think that they need to settle it down because Israel will defeat them if the peace treaty comes to an end.  Egypt does not have their priorities right at the moment.  They need to first deal with the establishment of their country.  I do not know if the damaging to the Embassy was part of The Muslim Brotherhood dealings, but they need to calm down (by the way I do not hate Muslims or people that follow the Islamic Religion).

I know that Israel and Egypt will deal with their problems like countries do either with diplomacy or war.  They are both capable of fighting by themselves and handling the situation.  We all know that this is not going to be a long drawn out war and they will do what they need to do to have victory.

Aside for the whole Egypt and Israel situation, I think that the US and other countries should butt out of the peace negotiations. They are obviously not going to help them the resolve their issues.  Another thing, Obama needs to think about the pros and the cons before breaking ties with Israel.  I do not think that it is the United Nations or United States business putting their noses in Palestine and Israel's problems. It is their fault why they are in this mess, they should have thought about the long-term problems before they created Israel's borders.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Collective Bargaining

So I get that unions want collective bargaining and President Obama. However, I do not think that unions should hold all of the powers.  Unions should not be trying to run businesses.  First, it is not their business, it is the owners.  Secondly, the owners need to have a say in how much someone should be paid.  Thirdly, unions need to realize where they stand in the situation.  Unions think they are entitled to complete control over the wages of workers and the benefits they receive. However, they do not need complete control because it can hurt the business.  What if the corporations need to make a slight cut in pay in order to keep the business? What if they need to lay off workers or hike the prices because they are not allowed to subtract some of the workers pay? Employers need to have options on what they can do to keep their business alive.

Sometimes they need to cut pay and keep prices low.  So that people will stay employed and people keep buying.  That is a great solution. However, unions won't have that kind of talk because they are too busy with their own self-interests instead of looking at the bigger picture.  No wonder why there are no jobs here in America.  Unions do not want to negotiate a slight wage cut instead they rather have people laid off and have higher prices.

Probably the real problem in America is some of the unions. They are the ones that would rather see people laid off than a slight decrease in pay.  I understand that a few cents could hurt someone. However, would you rather see yourself laid off or a few cents cut off? 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

This Makes Me Laugh

I think that some people forget that there is a big difference in being confident and arrogant. Just because you are arrogant does not mean that you have confidence. Just because you have confidence does not make you arrogant. Arrogant people make me laugh because truly the people that have the arrogance are trying to hide something from the world. Usually, what they are trying to hide is their weakness and/ or their feelings.

When you have confidence you are just happy with who you are and what you look like it. However, arrogant people act like they are confident when in reality they are trying to hide something from their friends and the world. Arrogant people make themselves look stupid, but I feel bad for them because they have not accepted who they are.

People think that I am weak because I am not happy with myself yet. However, eventually I will become a confident person, but it will take time. The arrogant ones are the people that we should feel bad for because they have not accepted themselves and deny that anything is wrong with them.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Life is at a Standstill

So I am not going to University of Minnesota this semester and I might not even go next semester. So it looks like I might be staying in-state for college, I am not happy about that. the good thing with my prolong departure is that I might get a job, I have an interview this week. Hopefully, I get the job. Life can be so unpredictable sometimes. Just when you think something will work out, it doesn't. You got one problem solved, another arises. I hope that this does not continue for college. Luckily, there was some extra money to go to school and take a Chinese class. For sure I am taking summer school and I am going to overload on school to make my deadline

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

One of Those Nights...

It is one of those nights that you cannot fall Asleep. I can't fall asleep because I am thinking about the future and how every time I try to proceed with my life, I can't. I probably should have stayed at King's, but if I did I would be putting a strain on myself financially and I could not do what I want. Arizona State University is another option but I think that I would have loathed that place for some reason. For some reason, I just do not want to go there. I want to go to the University of Minnesota, but every time I try to go something bad happens. I do not know what to do anymore, I simply hate the circumstances that I am in.

I cannot get a job and I cannot get to where I want to go, I am starting to think that my intelligence and the life I have lived was and is a waste. I feel like no one can accept me for me. I am smart and that is the only thing that is going for me. I do not know what there is to do. I apply and apply for jobs, but no one hires me. Things look like they are going to happen for me, but it never happens.

What is the point of me having intelligence if I cannot use it?

I think I am hitting rock bottom and I am way to young to get there, but whose to say that is not possible.

I guess the only two things I can do is pray and keep applying.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Finally Someone that Speaks the Truth

I am so happy to be able to finally read an article that speaks the truth. The President and the Congress are both to blame for the reason why there is still a high unemployment percent. They made a big deal about the debt ceiling while Wall Street is suffering. This article talks about how employers and Wall Street are not able to expand because they have no confidence in the government resolving the issues. Obama has not reassured us that everything is going to be fine. If the government has no hope than the people are not going to have a hope. As a result, of no hope, no one is going to spend. Also no one is going to hire new people.

I have been trying to find a job since I graduated from high school and I have only had two temporary jobs. That is better than some, but I need a stabl
e income and I cannot get that if no one is hiring.

The President and Congress are the ones to blame for their being no jobs not Wall Street. Whether we like to admit it or not those people on Wall Street work hard for their money as we all should do. This country was built on hard work, earning your way to make a living. However, during the times we have become more dependent
on the government to resolve the issues and take over our responsibilities.

We should try to work for our money and I want to work for money.
Right now I am living off of my mom and I hate it so much. I want to go to school and work at the same time, but the only thing I am doing is going to school. No one will hire me and I am stuck. If the government gets their out of their butts than we can solve these issues, and get rid of the party lines and work together.

The government should ease the restrictions on business and get those unions to stop taking advantage of city governments and corporate. So they can do their jobs to get more workers, I am not asking to get rid of unions, but they need to reel them in.

The President and the Congress need to realiz
e that they are going to have to compromise. IF you want to increase taxes on the corporations and rich than you are going to have to lesson the regulations on them a bit.

Please lets get over the party lines and compromise because you are hurting Americans on both sides, we are tired of suffering!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I feel like America is on a repeat pattern minus the Cold War

I was very much attempted to put a picture of Jimmy Carter and Obama right next to each other. The reason why is because they are carrying the very same policies in regards to taxes, rich, and the oil companies.

They are similar in taxes because Jimmy Carter had the taxes increased on the rich and than inflation happened. Obama wants to do a nice big increase on the wealthiest in America and cover up loop holes to make them equal to paying the taxes. However, they do pay plenty in taxes and if he wants to see the economy get out of the crap whole than he is going to have to do a small increase. However, does Obama know how much us the middle-class get in tax loopholes to and many get their money back after taxes have been filed.

If he wants to increase the taxes than he needs to do it gradually. Otherwise, inflation goes up and that really affects the middle-class. The middle-class helps run the economy because they are the ones that spend and work. The middle-class are the main consumers and if you have increase inflation than the consumers stop spending. Now we do not want that to happen.

Obama wants to deal with the oil companies and be a little ruthless towards them. However, if you are going to increase how much they need to pay than they are going to cut jobs and increase the price on gas. In which we do know that the wealthiest and high middle class are the ones that can afford electric power cars and not the poor. Once again the consumers (middle-class) is going to be affected.

By the way the people that are going to be most affected by the increase in taxes and dealing with the oil companies is the poor. If you increase taxes than the poor get affected by either cut hours, loss of jobs, or increase in prices.

I think that the best option for the United States is to deal with the problem of medicare and social security. In which they cut into the budge more than the military. Social Security and Medicare take up 2/3 of the budget. Want to know why that happened? It happened after the government first enacted the reforms of Franklin D. Roosevelt, they began to take the money collected and use it on other government issues. So really they need to deal with that, it is the reason why the United States has such a big debt.

Gradual increase in taxes on the rich will help with the situation too. Increase taxes and than get to a maximum point and than gradually decrease the taxes than do it all over, which is Euler curve.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Easy A

Okay so this was just on my mind. I love the movie Easy A, simple as that!! This whole time I was wondering why I was watching this movie on repeat. Then I realized the reason why I like it so much is because it conveys a wonderful moral message.

Now some people just see this as mere entertainment and it is so funny. It is funny, but it has a serious message. I love this movie because it is supposed to be one of tho
se movies that is similar to the book The Scarlet Letter by Nathanial Hawthorne. Easy A does depict the woman that is scorned by others and have no place judging her. We all do a lot of judging on others and we sometimes do not realize how much it hurts until it happens to us.

She is called a whore and a slut because she lied about having sex with someone. However, in The Scarlet Letter she actually did have sex, but they do not know who it is and she has a baby as the result of cheating on her husband. She is scorned, but in the end she is redeemed. People realize that all the judging that they did to her was wrong after she dies. She is ultimately redeemed in heaven by God, if it was a real story. Easy A actually does have a redeeming factor, she is alive when it happens. The people that hurt her the most realize that they were too quick to judge and that spreading lies really does hurt people.

I think the writers and producers decided to do it as a comedy because they did not want it to be a flop. If people look closer and see the underlying meaning than people might think more about other peoples feelings.

On the other hand, this world is never going to be perfect and I have accepted that reality. However, I think that a wonderful movie idea would be one that depicts a girl that wants to remain a virgin until she is married because now people mock other people for wanting to keep their virginity. People mock others for wearing clothes that cover up their bodies. Maybe they should do a movie that depicts exactly the opposite. Not all people mock others for keeping their virginity and their clothing, but lately it seems that way.

This of course is from my perspective and things may be different in other areas or you have a different opinion :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Conspiracy Theorists and the Planet Nibiru


One thing that I have noticed about conspiracy theorists is that the stories that they tell and their predictions always change. This so called "planet" or "comet" is not going to hit earth. By the way people are stupid to believe those conspiracy theorists on YouTube or online because they do not know if they are a credible source of information. I think that if these people believe what they are saying is stupid because they do not go to search if the real scientists believe those arguments.

I am happy that in this article the scientists are speaking out about the conspiracy theorists because they know it is not true and they have the research to prove it. There is no planet called Nibiru and it is not going to crash into the earth and destroy this planet. Also there is no way that a comet could cause an earthquake to happen when it comes close to the earth called Elenin. Also Elenin is not suppose to be coming anywhere near Earth. In the article, the theorists said that it will be directed to crash into the US because there is a UFO directing it to earth.

I think that the theorists are ridiculous, they change their stories so many times it is retarded. Also if there are any Christians that are believing in this then they need to read the Bible.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

These Hackers

I am really starting to think that people that are hacking into NATO and other agencies is really stupid. One, is that they do not realize that treason is a high offense in any country. Some still grant the death penalty and others will be more sympathetic and give them life. However, I think that they deserve death for what they are doing. IF they really claim that they have the information than they will likely get some offers from enemy nations and than attempt to sell it. I really do not like these hackers. It is not something to be proud of because you are putting millions and millions of lives at risk for what you are doing. You are hurting the nations stability/

I really hate hackers that are hacking from there own nations. You put the life of other people at risk for the sake of hacking into nation's security for fun and hoping to expose something. I hope that these hackers are found and put in jail and than sentenced to death for what they have done

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Newt Gingrich

Alright I am all down for the Republicans that are running in the next election. However, Newt Gingrich needs to drop out of the presidential race. Not only is his campaign in debt, but so many people working for him have resigned in his campaign crew. Also he is trailing all the other Republicans in the campaign.

I feel bad for the guy, but taking commercial flights instead of private flights is not going to knock down the price of campaigning. In fact, the cost will grow more and more as it gets closer to the election.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Get Over It

China has some nerve being upset at Obama for having the Dalai Lama coming to meet with him. Seriously, get over it. Obama clearly does not support the Tibetans trying to separate from you. If he did than he would have said that they recognize them as a country and would have sent troops to help them fight. You know that North Korea is in good relations with China and I have not seen us whining against those good relations. The Dalai Lama clearly did not come over to the United States to discuss how to save his people from China. He came to the US to celebrate a Buddhist holiday in which he has the right to.

Another thing is that the Dalai Lama should be allowed to and is expressing his sympathy for the Tibetans. China has treated them very cruelly over the decades as they have for many people that have opposed them. It is not w
rong to express some kind of sympathy for them. They burn themselves up to support their cause.

However, I do agree with the Tibetans that China does need to get out of Tibet because they are illegally occupying the place. Their revolution will eventually happen, but it will only happen when China gets weaker or another country helps their cause. See China gave them false hope that they would leave and than they lied. I do not think that there has been a government that is completely honest to their people.

I am not surprised that China lied to them, but they know that they have no right to be there.

I Feel Like...

I feel like I am criticize on a daily basis
I feel like the only gift that God gave me is my intelligence
I feel like I can never give an employer what she or he wants
I sometimes feel like people think that I am way to compromising
I sometimes feel like I am the only one trying to find my way back to some well-established morals and virtues
I sometimes feel like I am always under attack, that there is no one in this world that can agree with me
I feel like I would make a good judge or even a Supreme Court judge because when I watch cases I try to look at it from an unbiased standpoint
Unfortunately that would qualify me for jury duty, hopefully that no one that is in charge of jury duty reads this
I feel like our dear government can come to a compromise, but they are too worried about their political careers
I feel like Mike Hukabee (i think he said it) that career politicians are bad, too busy worrying about their career
I feel like America has driven away from the core values of the Constitution and need to come back to it fast before the nation is ruined
I feel like some Americans do not understand that America is unique and that we should not try to be like any other nation, but have our own identity

This was an exercise to help me get to sleep. I do not expect pity remarks especially from the top I feel likes. These are some of things that are on my mind. Also another thing that is on my mind and growing bigger in my mind is that stupid election, just kidding the election isn't stupid haha

Friday, July 8, 2011

American Plurality

Now I would like to clarify some of my blogs before I get onto the subject
  1. My blog is of my opinions, yes there are going to be some things that you do not agree with and there might be some things that do not make sense to you, but it does to me because it is my thoughts.
  2. Views are going to differ and you are just going to have to deal with it or do not read it at all.
  3. I do like the fact that America did get Osama Bin Laden, it is just sometimes you got to question how they did it, that does not hurt. People need to look at the process too and not just the results. The end does not justify the means, I am just sayin.

Okay so if you are wondering why I am began with this, it is because someone had a problem with my blog because I do not agree with him in political matters. So that brings me to the title of this post "American Plurality." What I mean by this is that America composes of a diverse sets of minds, people, and ideas. We are not going to agree with each other all the time and some people just do not know how to accept that. I do not agree with the left-wing people and they do not agree with me and that is fine. However, I am not going to get into a stupid debate on trying to convince them that I am right. We both could be right in different ways.

I think that one of the goals of the Founding Fathers was to let us have the freedom to be able to differ in opinions without being persecuted for it and hence why we have the freedom to practice different religions. They saw that back in the day England would burn people for heresy if they did not agree with the religion at the time and they would behead or quarter people for high treason if they differed with the monarchy that the time.

The Founding Fathers desired us to live in a country where different opinions are allowed to exist without persecution from the GOVERNMENT!! Now the law and judges will handle the people that persecute other people for their opinions. I am proud and happy to live in AMERICA because I can say what I want and when I want to. Now if my opinion does not agree with yours then you will have to deal and get over it.

There are two sides to every argument and if you do not agree that is fine with me.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Supreme Court and Video Games

I totally support this ruling. The reason is because there is already an age limit for the video games in place. It is the parents job to monitor their kids and make sure that they do not have those video games and if they do they need to take them away. Parents need to take responsibility for their kids if they game is rated Mature-17 and over purchase than do not get it.

Do not blame the video games for the reason a kid acts out. Before you purchase the game for them you need to tell them that it is fake and not real. I honestly do not think that any teenager is stupid enough to believe that it is real. However, if they do than they do not need to play that game, they need to go get some counseling.

Also it si the job of the retailer to check IDs when the purchase is being made. My ID got checked when I was 17 and my mom was there. So they did their job. It is the responsibility of parents and retailer to make sure that the kids do not believe that the video game is reality. Also if they know that they are not able to handle the violence of a video game, they do not need to play it.

Take responsibility for your actions. Do not blame the video game or the makers.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

New Chapter Beginning Soon!!!

I am so excited to be going to the University of Minnesota!! I have been waiting for an opportunity to attempt to go there and it has again!! I fell in love with that school the minute that I stepped on campus about three or four years ago. I still remember Coffman Memorial Student Union building and the big bridge over the Mississippi River!! I cannot wait to go there!! I was not able to go there originally because I could not gather up enough money for the tuition. However, after three years finally some things were able to work out financially.

I cannot wait to go to Minnesota, I feel like that is where I was suppose to go. I just had to find my way back to the correct road. I have learned a lot of things being in New York for a year and now I will learn more things at Minnesota.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mocking Modesty

Now I think that there are new problems that face each generation. Also constant, but different problems facing each generations. One of the problems deals with the issue of modesty. Many people make fun of people that want to show less skin or no skin at all! Some people think that it is so cool to war hardly any clothes or have sex at a young age.

If some hears about someone loosing their virginity after the age of eighteen they get mocked. They get called a prude. The people that get mocked the most are those that loose their virginity on their wedding night.

Another form of modesty that gets mocked is if you keep your relationship to yourself. You do not tell your friends about the fights that you get into with your spouse or boyfriend or other things that are part of the relationship. Have you noticed that most of the people that have been couples or married on reality television shows have divorced? Now one of the problems may be that they lost whatever attracted them to each other in the first place and another problem may be that they do not feel like their relationship is theirs because everyone knows about it and kind of is in it.

I think that modesty in dress and in relationships is important. Plus, by having modesty in dress you are more likely to attract guys that do not want a one night stand, you will attract guys that see that you are worth it. Also a guy is going to like you for you and not when you are going to have sex with him. If he keeps pressuring you to have sex he is not worth it. Modesty in relationships is important because it is going to help keep that spark in the relationships. Keep your fights and other things that you find important to your relationship in the relationship and not tell everyone about it.

Remember that these are just my opinions, you do not have to like it or read it. by this point you probably already have hahaha

Downgrading Others

Have you ever had someone say that you suck at something and say that they are better than you at it? Well, I hear it all the time and people do not realize that really hurts. Now when I say I hear it all the time does not mean that what they say is actually true because there are plenty of things that I can do that is excellent.

When people say that you suck at something or do something worse than them is really rude. It may be because they need to do that to feel better about themselves. Knocking other people down is terrible. You may think that you are better at everything than everyone, but it is a sick illusion. IT is not good to knock other peopled own by using their flaws.

Also I hate it when other people knock others down while thinking that they are perfect. They think that they have the right to downgrade others because they think they are close to perfect or are perfect. You do not have the right to knock others, no one does. You have flaws just like everyone else. There has been no man that is perfect on this earth, EXCEPT FOR JESUS. We are all sinful and filled with flaws

Stop knocking others for their laws and using it against them. Look at yourself and see the flaws that you have instead of worrying about others. I know my flaws now it is time to look at yours.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Can You Say Comeback?

Weeks ago the sportscasters said that the Arizona Diamondbacks were one of the worst teams in the MLB. However, the Diamondbacks have showed them who is boss. Diamondbacks are now close to being number one in their division, I am so happy for them. I hope they keep up the good work and keep winning those games.

Inspiration to Begin Cooking

I think that I found my inspiration to begin cooking. For those of you that know me, is that I do not cook. I have had no desire to learn nor patience for that task. I find this worse than doing laundry. Anyways I think that I will begin cooking when I get this cook book called Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child. I love the movie Julie and Julia and that is where I got the idea from. I think that I would not mind learning how to cook.

The only thing that I can do with a oven is bake cupcakes and cake. I think my next task is to attempt to make a cheesecake from scratch. I already made chocolate truffles, which was do delicious. I think that is the one thing that I want for Christmas

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Anthony Weiner

I have been hearing on the news about this US Representative Anthony Weiner, I am sure we all have been hearing about it. Well, my opinion on him sending pictures of himself to other women. We all know that it was wrong of him to send those photos and that he lied to the American people.

However, I do not think that he should resign from office. I think that the press, politicians, and the American people forget that he is a human being and he is not going to be perfect. By the way, what Congressman has not lied to the American people, I am pretty sure they have all done it. I do not think that he should resign from office because it has nothing to do with his post as a Representative. Also he is not going to be perfect, if we got rid of everyone for lying, we would have no representatives.

Him cheating on his wife is not the American peoples business, so get over it. I am pretty sure some adulterous Americans are being hypocrites out there too. I think that there marriage can be saved and worked out if the press just leaves it alone. He has the right to step down or not and I do not think that he should. The Ethics Committee in Congress said that it does not violate any of the rules, so he should not have to step down.

By the way if you are thinking that I am a liberal you are wrong because I know that some folks when reading this post are saying stupid Democrat (because I do that too sometimes)

Monday, June 6, 2011

People Fighting

I do not understand why people physically fight one another. People are always going to talk about one another and that is just life, part of this thing called sin. I just do not see how people can feel satisfied after bashing someone's head in and then feel like they have proven themselves. I have never gotten into a fight and I am proud of that fact because I have always been able to solve my problems through talking it out or walking away.

This is a sinful world and it is going to happen, people are going to fight one another. I am glad that it is worth a felony here in Arizona. There should be no joy in seeing someone else get beat up. It makes me very sad to see it happen.

by the way do not get the misconception that I believe that this world could become perfect, I know that will not happen until Jesus comes back. However, I do think that people should think before they do things. That is what I believe, I know that is not going to happen all the time because we are sinful

Monday, May 30, 2011

I guess it is Wrong to Date a Jewish Person

I was always curious if I could go out with a Jewish guy, but I guess not. Since they are considered unbelievers because they do not believe that Jesus came to the earth and that he is coming back. I am still astounded by the fact that Jewish people tend to be really religious but do not believe in Jesus and for that they are not going to heaven, That makes me really sad because I thought that they would go to heaven, but they do not. I learned about this a few weeks ago and it makes me really sad.

However, just because they do not believe in Jesus does not mean that we should not let them get persecuted for what they believe in and that goes for many other religions. I understand that some of my fellow Christians think that it is so ungodly to go out with a Jewish guy and I am not going out with one. However, that does not mean that we should hate on them or try to force them to convert.

I asked on Yahoo Answers if it would be wrong for me to go out with a Jewish Guy. I got plenty of Christians telling me that I am not truly a Christian. People were quoting Martin Luther (a Jew Hater) for me even thinking about it. other Christians were much more nicer about it. When i see other Christians ridiculing me and other Christians, I see why other people are afraid of Christianity. Look at how we treat one another for not believing in the same thing or criticizing one another.

I am not perfect I just wanted to know if it was possible for me to go out with a Jewish guy, but now I know that it not possible. I could date a Messianic Jew because he does believe in Christ.

Memorial Day

This day to many is about drinking and just having a good time. Like many holidays people use it as an excuse to get drunk. Well, I see this holiday for what it is for and it is to honor the people that have fought to protect this country and to help the many countries that we have helped. This day should go back when we fought the British in our revolution.

We honor those that fought in the Spanish-American War and the wars that took place during the Cold War. Also honor those many that have died in both of the World Wars. I think that some Americans tend to forget to honor those that have fought. They are too worried about the political aspect of the war. For all those so-called "Pacifists" you need to understand that soldiers are fighting for you to keep your freedom to protest the war in Afghanistan. Also in the Cold War for all you hippies and yuppies.

Those soldiers are doing their duty for this country so that we can remain free and we need to honor those that have died trying to keep those freedoms. I am so proud to be an American and to have people fighting for our rights. Thank you so much soldiers

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Playing Fix it All in the World, but not in America

I am on my computer checking out the news. As I am reading about some people dying in Pakistan after a NATO attack on some terrorists, I realize that people within the US do not really care about the US. While we are trying to fix the world of their problems, we ignore the ones that are here. For instance, Obama has no regard for the people's opposition to the Health Care bill, he acts like he knows the solution. When in reality the Health Care Bill is going to hurt the US. The countries within the European Union are a perfect example of that. When people become too dependent on the government they do not take responsibility for their life or actions. That is what is going to happen to the US.

Another thing is that while we are trying to help the poor in other countries, we do not do a good job at helping those that are here. Delivering them some water or food when they are out on the streets. The people in the poor countries deserve help too, but so does our people. Granted not everyone is going to want the help. However, we are not really doing a good job at helping the poorer nations because we are stunting their growth as a country. You now there are farmers that are there and they are trying to sell their food to their people. But they end up not being able to sell because we are giving away food.

The final thing that really irkes me is the fact that our freedoms are going away. People hardly acknowledge the fact that the more we depend on government, the more we lose our freedoms. Look at what is happening in the middle east. The US just waltzes into Pakistan and takes Bin Laden out, while getting the permission to shoot any Pakistan officer or military that gets in the way. There is a violation of a nation's sovereignty. They could have worked a bit more on the negotiation and compromise. That violation of sovereignty directly depicts what is going on the US. There was a lot more freedom with a limited government. Granted there are going to be people that are not going to be fortunate, but their family needs to help them or someone other than the government

All I am saying is that before we can go out and care about other nations, we need to care about our own too. Robert Frost suggested that the first step to caring about the world is to first care and support or local home, then your state, then your nation, and then finally the rest of the world. How can we help others when we need help too. Granted we can and need to both at the same time. However, there are some priorities that need to be arranged. The first one is caring about how your nation feels about certain policies and what their needs are.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A bunch of Hard-Headed People

So I always wondered why me, my sister, and my mom always get into arguments. Well, during the past couple of days I realized why. It is because we are so hard-headed. We do not like to listen to other people's opinion if it is different from ours. If we do disagree it always turns into an argument of trying to convince one another why we are right.

Now if we say, "well its my opinion," Then the other person feels like they have lost the battle or the other person just surrendered. Then the argument continues because we feel either of those two emotions, defeat or surrender.

My mom, sister, and I are all hard-headed, opinionated, and determined to do things our way or no way at all. If people see us argue they all think something is wrong with us. However, nothing is wrong with us because I think that God just happened to give us the same traits. Now He likely wants us to work on how to cope with the fact that we are all the same and we need to learn how to compromise. Also learn how to avoid feeling like we got defeated or surrender.

People may think that we are dysfunctional. However, we all got some kind of dis-functionality in our families. I just know that at the end of the day is that we all love one another.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Leaving NYC

I am happy to be leaving NYC!! The city was not meant for me and I should have known that when I first visited here. I almost kissed the concrete when I got back to Arizona because I was so happy to be home. Now I was not homesick, I just did not like the city at all.

However, I ended up dropping all applications a few months afterwards to go to King's College. One day I just did it and I thought, I think God is doing this. So I went to NYC and King's College was great.

On the other hand, the city was just not meant for me. I like nature and open land!!! I love being able to smell fresh air. I love the fact that AZ does not get much rain. After living in a place where it rains a lot, I appreciate the drought. Plus, I never heard of rain boots till I came here or snow boots.

Although there were many bad things there was also a few good things. For instance, the amazing people that I have met here and I desire to keep in contact with them all. Especially those from the Spiritual Life Project. I did not join that group until second semester, but it was amazing. They are true friends and I love that.

Another thing that I like is that the education was great. However, I did not feel like I was getting my money worth because my tuition was going towards paying for the rent in the Empire State Building not towards the students. To the people location is what matters to them not the well-being of the students. Some of you may disagree, but that is how I felt. I like the school but I am not getting my money worth.

Also I am going to miss the Starbucks night crew in the Empire State Building they are amazing. They are just such awesome people. Thanks to Jesse, one that works there (hopefully he reads this) he has officially changed my common drink. My new drink instead of Carmel frap is not Mocha Coconut Frap

Well, New York has been a great experience. I think that God may have wanted me to be here to grow spiritually in which I am a much better Christian now. I have never been so devoted to God since my time being here. I have changed into a much better person and I am happy. Hopefully, I can share my faith to others.

I am satisfied with my decision to go to University of Minnesota because I am going to be able to do what I want. I am hoping to double major and minor. Major in Criminology and Political Science. Minor in Arabic Studies. I am sad to go and leave my friends. However, I feel like this is the right decision

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

On Karla's Computer

I am currently on Karla's computer. Playing with her Mac. She is such a wonderful friend and I am going to miss her when I am gone. She has been one of the most truest friends I have ever had and I am really going to miss her. She is one of those friends that you want to keep in touch with forever. I am willing to travel 2000 miles to see because she is one of the closet friends that I have ever had.

Becky is another friend that is one of the closet people to me. I love her humor and she is a friend that I can confide in when I have problems. She is also one of those friends that I will travel miles to see and when she gets married to her boyfriend lol.

These two people are very dear to me and I am going to miss them greatly. I don't think that I can ever meet people like them, they are unique and special.